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KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:29 | Сообщение # 1
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
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Тот кто с нами с самого начала За хорошую репутацию За хорошую посещаемость на форуме Ветеранам форума Те кто с нами больше года
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One Thousand Years, the End of Lamentation

Требования: 48 лвл
Награда: Adena, вещи, энчанты

Бессмертный Следящий за Антарасом, Gilmore, пришел в Dragon Valley тысячу лет назад, чтобы победить Антараса, но только лишь растерял всю свою армию, которую Антарас проклял и превратил в армию бессмертных. Теперь он просит вас убить как можно больше бессметрных - чтобы их души наконец-то обрели покой.

1. Поговорите с Antharas Watchman Gilmore, который стоит прямо перед входом в Dragon Valley. Он скажет вам, что его подчиненные, убитые и проклятые Антарасом во время последней битвы, теперь скитаются по всему Dragon Valley и никак не могут найти себе покой. И он просит вас убить как можно больше их, принеся ему Article of Dead Heroes, которые они носят с собой.

2. В Dragon Valley убивайте любых Undead. Когда вы решите, что набрали достаточное количество Article of Dead Heroes, вернитесь к Antharas Watchman Gilmore за наградой, которая составляет 60 адена за каждый предмет.

Так же есть очень маленький шанс, что Antharas Watchman Gilmore даст вам Relic Key, который необходимо отнести в Giran для Sir Kristof Rodemai или Einhasad Crucifix, который необходимо отнести в Aden для High Priest Orven в церкви. Пока вы их не отнесете, вы не сможете продолжать квест (собирать Article of Dead Heroes).

Список наград за Relic Key, принесенный для Sir Kristof Rodemai:
- 50 Coarse Bone Powder
- 50 Oriharukon Ore
- Drake Leather Gloves
- Raid Sword
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon C-Grade

Список наград (неполный) за Einhasad Crucifix, принесенный для High Priest Orven:
- Drake Leather Boots

Отдав реликт(ы), снова вернитесь к Antharas Watchman Gilmore и поговорите с ним.

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:30 | Сообщение # 2
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
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Conquest of Alligator Island

Требования: 38 лвл
Награда: Adena + Карта сокровищ

Для сопротивления хуманам, монополизировавшим торговлю Иннадрила, управляющий складом Kluck пытается создать свободную торговую зону с соседями острова Аллигатора. Для этого, кто-то должен одолеть монстров, кишащих по всему острову Аллигатора. Кто осмелиться принять участие в завоевании острова Аллигатора...? Это задание для охотящихся на острове Аллигатора авантюристов с 38 по 49 уровень. Если вы соберете 10 старинных фрагментов карты, то сможете начать новое задание под названием Searching for Treasure.

1. Поговорите с Warehouse Keeper Kluck, он предложит вам задание на уничтожение следующих монстров на Alligator Island:

Crokian Lad
Dalleon Lad
Crokian Lad Warrior
Farhite Lad
Nos Lad
Swamp Tribe

Совет: выгодней выполнять это задание вместе с заданием Alligator Hunter, в результате выполнения которого за каждую шкуру убитого аллигатора вы получите по 40 аден.

2. Согласитесь на выполнение предложенного задания.

3. Идите на север от Heine - на Alligator Island.

4. Убивайте различных Lad и Swamp Tribe монстров. За это вы будете получать зубы аллигаторов и случайные клочки карты, каждые 10 из которых могут быть соединены в одну большую карту сокровищ Warehouse Keeper Kluck`ом, необходимую для задания Searching for Treasure.

5. Когда вы решите что уже достаточно много заработали зубов аллигаторов - вернитесь к Warehouse Keeper Kluck (если у вас будет больше 100 зубов аллигаторов, вы получите дополнительный бонус аден за них), который выдаст вам вашу награду - с учетом дополнительного бонуса около 300 аден за каждый зуб.

6. Также, Warehouse Keeper Kluck склеит вместе каждые 10 клочков карты в целую карту пиратских сокровищ, необходимую для задания Searching for Treasure. Эта карта поместится в ваш инвентарь.

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:31 | Сообщение # 3
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
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Тот кто с нами с самого начала За хорошую репутацию За хорошую посещаемость на форуме Ветеранам форума Те кто с нами больше года
Статус: Offline
Searching for Treasure

Требования: 42 лвл, выполненный квест Conquest of Alligator Island
Награда: см. в конце описания квеста

Это задание начинается, когда вы приносите торговцу Espen карту сокровищ, полученную вами из задания Conquest of Alligator Island. Espen большой поклонник пиратства и он особенно много знает о пирате Закене. Вам необходима его помощь для расшифровки пиратской карты сокровищ. И действительно, где же сокровище Великого Пирата, и что же это за сокровище?

1. Выполнение задания Conquest of Alligator Island является необходимым условием для начала этого задания. В Heine, в магазине оружия и снаряжения, поговорите с Trader Espen.

2. Он попросит показать вас карту сокровищ - согласитесь: Show him the pirate`s treasure map.

3. Затем, он предложит вам продать карту сокровищ - если вы согласитесь - получите 1000 адена и на этом квест будет закончен. Иначе, пройдите дальше по диалогу, он расскажет увлекательную историю, и откроет местоположение сокровища: вы сможете увидеть его на своей World Map (каждый раз сокровище находится в одном и том же месте) - оно будет помечено гвоздиком.

4. Замечание: Перед тем как отправиться за сокровищем - убедитесь что у вас есть с собой Key of Thief, он понадобится для открытия сундука.

5. Следуйте в область, указанную гвоздиком на вашей World Map, затем погрузитесь в воду и плывите на дно к коралловому рифу, сдесь вы увидите трех агрессивных Great Sharks - прямо над сундуком.

6. Откройте сундук, внутри вы найдете случайный набор вещей - обычно это адена и 1-2 вещи.

В сундуке может быть:

500, 800, 1000, 1300 или 1600 адена
1-2 Blue Onyx (цена 500 адена за каждый)
Mechanical Golem Spare Part (цена 2.500 адена)
Emerald Stone (цена 10.000 адена)
Feriotic Porcelain Urn (цена 10.000 адена)
Theme of Battle
Theme of Celebration
Theme of Comedy
Theme of Love
Dye of High Degree (+1/-3) (цена 6.500 адена)
Dye of High Degree (+2/-3)
Scroll of Enchant Armor: D-grade
Scroll of Enchant Armor: C-grade
Sage’s Worn Gloves
Elven Mithril Gloves

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:32 | Сообщение # 4
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
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Тот кто с нами с самого начала За хорошую репутацию За хорошую посещаемость на форуме Ветеранам форума Те кто с нами больше года
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A Game of Cards

"Может, в картишки?" - требуется 61лвл, повторяемый, берется у Clump'а в Адене.
Также партиный квест, но Red Gem падают значительно реже чем Spirit bead.
Надо выбить 50 итемов из мобов в СоС, ВоС, БС, ФГ... (на выбор)
надо открывать карты, наверно суть игры в последовательности открывания карт, всего из 5

Квестовые мобы:

The mobs are Tulben, Hames Orc Scout, Hames Orc Footman, Cursed Guardian, Hames Orc Overlord (blazing swamp I believe)

Doom scout, dismal pole, doom servant, doom archer, doom warrior (dev castle)

Blood Queen, Trives, Falibatai, Doom Knight (dev castle and FG)

Ghostly warrior, Bloody priest, Bloody Knight, Dark Guard, Death Agent, (umm can't recall?)

Black Shadow, Chimera Piece, Non existent man, Forgotten Ancient People, SHaman of ancient times (under GC)

antelope, buffalo (errr... wall of argos?)

Eye, Wisdom, Victory, Signet of Splender (VOS)

Spinter Stakato, Splinter Stakato Soldier, Needle Stakato, Needle Stakato Soldier (swamp of screams)


(one pair) - Одна пара
(2Dgrade arm.enchant scrolls)

(2 pair) - Две пары
(1 Cgrade weap.enchant scrolls)

(3 cards(3of a kind?)) - Три карты(Одной матси или Одинакового достоинства)
(2 Cgrade weap. enchant scrolls)

(Full House) - Полный набор(Дом)
(1 Agrade weap.enchant scrolls)
(2 B grade weap. enchant scrols)
(1 D grade weap. enchant scrolls)

(4 of a kind) - Четыре карты(Одной матси или Одинакового достоинства)
(2 S grade weap. enchant scrolls)
(2 Cgrade weap. enchant scrolls)

(5cards, 5 of a kind) - Пять карт(Одной матси или Одинакового достоинства)
(43 gems, each sells for 100mil. at the store)
(3 S grade weap. enchant scrolls)
(1 Agrade weap. enchant scroll)

and whether or not this is true or not, this guy wrote down the odds for each hand:
(1pair) : 41.4%
2pair) : 4.5%
(3of a kind) : 2.3%
(ful house) : 0.15%
(4of a kind) : 0.038%
(5 ofa kind) : 1.2E-4%

з.ы Описание квеста делалося из доводов и разъяснения игроков с различных форумов и тем, всё основанно на реальных событиях других офф-серверов

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:33 | Сообщение # 5
Silver Angel
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Сообщений: 1553
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Temptation Whisper
требуется 50лвл, повторяемый, берется у Wilbert'а в Адене.
Необходимо набить 50 синих шариков (Spirit Bead), список мобов прилагается. Wilbert предложит сыграть в игру, правила которой я не понял и это даже ни к чему. В общем тупой рандом.
Если выиграли - выбираете играть дальше или забрать приз. Всего вроде как 8 ступеней. Я доходил до 4 - дальше страшно
1: 40к
2: 80к
3: 110к + EWD
4: 199к + EWC
5: деньги+B weapon rec 60% (мне не повезло Heavy War axe дали)
6: деньги+12 Great sword blades

Шанс выиграть невелик, как повезет. Иногда с 1000 шариков выигрывал 1 EWD. Иногда с 200 - 3 EWC + EWD. Квест партийный, что вообще здорово.
З.Ы. За 2-3 недели в Massacre выиграл ~20 EWD и 6-7 EWC. Отличная прибавка к пенсии

з.ы Описание квеста делалося из доводов и разъяснения игроков с различных форумов и тем, всё основанно на реальных событиях других офф-серверов

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:34 | Сообщение # 6
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
Репутация: 17
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Fishing Related Quests (Квесты) - на англ. языке

There is a fishing shot quest given by all the fishermen (or at least the one in aden)... its very useful because it gives free fishing shots for just hunting mobs all over the world.
Before attempting any of the Special Bait quests (there are 4 of them), suspend your sweet fluid quest because it will make the quest item drop rate horrific.

Lanosco’s Special Bait Level 27-29 (written by HellWitch - Hindemith)

1. Go to the Grocery Store in Dion. Talk with Fisher Guildsmen Lanosco.
2. He tells you to bring him 100 essences of wind. Hunt Singing Winds (none of the other winds there seems to drop it) in the Windy Hill (near the Dusk Oracle) until you get 100 quest items..
3. Return to Lanosco in Dion. He gives you 4 Wind Fishing Lures as a reward and you can start Chest Caught with the Bait of Wind quest.

Chest Caught With a Bait of Wind Level 27-29 (written by HellWitch - Hindemith)

1. Lanosco says he’s looking for a large blue treasure box. He also tells you that your fishing experience has to be excactly lvl 9.
2. Someone said best results on this quest is by fishing near Gludio, so I went near Gludio (exit for Looting Area of Evil Spirits) and started fishing there, under the bridge. I got 2 big blue treasure chests, 1 blue treasure chest and 1 small blue treasure chest (I think if u don’t miss a single shot on the fish u only get big blue ones, but I’m not gonna do the quest again to confirm it lol). Since I had 25 lures on me (purple high grade), I did some more fishing to waste them, and got 1 more big blue treasure chest, and one regular blue treasure chest. So apparently you can get the quest item without using the special lure, although you can’t start the quest if u dont have the special lure hehe.
3. After giving him 1 big blue treasure chest, he will give you a strange golem blueprint which you have to deliver to blueprint seller Shaling in Dion. The Reward is a Black Pearl Ring (d grade)

O’Fulle’s Special Bait Level 36-38 (written by HellWitch - Hindemith)

1. Go to the Grocery Store in Giran. Talk with Fisher Guildsman O’Fulle.
2. He tells you to bring him (what a surprise) 100 quest items. Hunt Fettered Souls in Death Pass untill you get 100 items.
3. Return to O’Fulle in Giran. He gives you 4 Icy Fishing Lures as a reward and you can start Chest Caught with the Bait of Icy Air quest.

Chest Caught With a Bait of Icy Air Level 36-38 (written by HellWitch - Hindemith)

1. O’Fulle says he’s looking for a large yellow treasure box. He also tells you that your fishing experience has to be excactly lvl 12 for best results.
2. I just went fishing on the northern bridge in Giran and I got 2 yellow treasure chests and 1 big yellow treasure chest (one bait was lost .. fish didnt bite dammit lol).
3. After giving him 1 big yellow treasure chest, he will give you a Kiki’s Letter which you have to deliver to Mineral Trader Kiki in Giran. The Reward is an Elven Ring (D grade)

Quest for Bait of Earth Level 48 (written by Licantrop - Teon)

1. Go to the Grocery Store in Oren. Talk with Fisher Guildsmen Willie.
2. He tells you to hunt Tarlk Basilisk in the Forest of Outlaws and bring him 100 Quest items "Eye of the Basilisk. (Tarlk Basilisk Level 50 passiv, Elder Tarlk Basilisk Level 51 agro)
3. Hunt the Tarlk Basilisk until you have 100 items and return to Willie. I would recommend to suspend the sweet fluid quest whilst getting this quest items, as it slows down the drop rate a lot.
4. He gives you 4 Bait of the Earth as a reward and you can start the follow-up quest now.

Quest: Chest caught with Bait of Earth Level 48 (written by Licantrop - Teon)

1. Willie tells you to fish for a small purple treasure chest and to bring it to him unopened. He also tells you that your fishing experience has to be excactly lvl 16.
2. Go fishing and bring the small purple treasure chest to him (i got 2 orange chests and 2 purple ones with this bait).
3. He gives you a Quest item in return which you have to deliver to Anabel in Heine. She gives you Plated Leather Gloves as a reward.

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:37 | Сообщение # 7
Silver Angel
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Сообщений: 1553
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Life Stone

Шанс дропа очень маленький. Где-то 1/1000, причём с обычных мобов падают Low и Mid grade, а с РБ High grade с очень хорошим шансом.

Основной текст

Weapon Augmentation

A weapon augmentation system has been added to enable players to add new bonuses to their weapons with the help of a Blacksmith. A Life Stone and Gemstones will be required for each augmentation.

Augmentations can also be removed by Blacksmiths for a fee.

Augmenting Your Weapon

You can augment weapons through the Blacksmith NPC of every village, except in the starting villages for each race and Gludin Village.

All weapons that are C Grade through S Grade can be augmented. C Grade and B Grade weapons require Gemstone D, and A Grade and S Grade weapons need Gemstone C.

For each item to be augmented, a Life Stone and Gemstones are needed, along with the weapon the player wants to augment. Life Stones can be acquired from hunting monsters. There is a higher chance of obtaining a high-level Life Stone from raid/boss monster rather than from an ordinary monster. A Life Stone shows the level of the character who can use it.

For the augmentation order, select the weapon to be augmented, the Life Stone, and Gemstones in the Augment window. Drag and drop the items from the inventory to add them to the Augment window. Click the Augment button.

Blacksmith NPCs can also remove augmentations, and a fee is assessed during the process.

Bonuses Granted

The bonus granted during augmentation is random, determined by the levels of the Life Stone and the weapon. The success rate is 100%.

The types of bonuses are as follows:
Increased basic abilities (STR, CON, INT, MEN)
Increased battle values (P. Atk., P. Def., M. Atk., Accuracy, etc.)
Additional skill (Active, Passive, Chance skill)

The bonus will not take effect when the augmented weapon has a higher grade than the character’s expertise level.

When a weapon is augmented, a prefix will be added to the weapon name.


The augmented weapon cannot be exchanged, dropped, traded, sold, freighted, or deposited in the clan warehouse. However, private warehouse storage is possible. An item that has had its augmentation removed can be transferred normally.

Weapons with special abilities or an enchantment can be augmented. It is also possible to add a special ability or to enchant augmented items.

Even if you remove a weapon’s augmentation, the special ability or enchant status will not change.

When a bonus is added while augmenting with a Life Stone that is above mid-grade, the weapon will glow.

An augmented weapon cannot be used for crafting dual swords.

An augmented weapon cannot be used to trade with the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Вторичный текст(Бонусы и т.д от вставок)

Stats modificators

Accuracy +X
X between +0.4 and +3.0

CP Recovery +X
X between +0.1 and +0.8

Critical +X
X between +4.9 and +32.7

Dodge +X
X between +0.4 and +3.0

HP Recovery +X
X between +0.1 and +0.8

M. Atk. +X
X between +2.5 +28.2

Maximum CP +X
X between +19.2 and +214.9

Maximum HP +X
X between +12.7 and +155.9

Maximum MP +X
X between +6.1 and +115.1

M. Def. +X
X between +4 and +30.8

MP Recovery +X
X between +0.1 and +0.4

P. Atk. +X
X between +2.2 and +24.2

P. Def. +X
X between +5.1 and +38.2

CON +1
INT +1
MEN +1
STR +1


Active: Absorbs HP.
Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Active: Attacks by throwing a boulder.
Active: Burns up the enemy's MP.
Active: Decreases all skill MP consumption rates temporarily.
Active: Decreases all skill re-use times temporarily.
Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack.
Active: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the magic re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster.
Active: Ignites a firecracker.
Active: Ignites a large firecracker.
Active: Increases Accuracy temporarily.
Active: Increases Dodge temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases resistance to damage from falling temporarily.
Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Active: Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.
Active: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.
Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum CP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount.
Active: Increases the maximum MP temporarily.
Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.
Active: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Active: Increases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts damage by throwing a boulder.
Active: Instantly restores your HP.
Active: Launches a dark attack.
Active: Launches a sacred attack.
Active: Momentarily becomes invincible.
Active: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee.
Active: Opens doors and treasure chests with a certain probability. Requires Keys of a Thief.
Active: Play music for a short duration.
Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.
Active: Regenerates MP.
Active: Removes the target.
Active: Restores CP.
Active: Restores your own CP.
Active: Resurrects a corpse.
Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports to a village regardless of time. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.
Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.
Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.
Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.
Active: Temporarily holds the target. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily Increases the distance you can jump without sustaining damage.
Active: Temporarily Increases your head size.
Active: Temporarily Increases your lung capacity.
Active: Temporarily paralyzes a target.
Active: Temporarily petrifies the target.
Active: Temporarily poisons the target.
Active: Temporarily puts the target to sleep. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily resist damage from falls.
Active: Temporarily stuns the target.
Active: Unleashes a general attack and temporarily decreases your magic attack power during PvP.


Chance: Blocks all of the physical/magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Blocks the magic skills of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the Atk. Spd. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the PVP P. Atk. of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the speed of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Decreases the urge to fight of the target that inflicts damage on you with a certain probability.
Chance: Has a chance to hold a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Has a chance to paralyze a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to petrify a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to poison a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you.
Chance: Has a chance to sleep a target that damages you. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Has a chance to stun a target that damages you.
Chance: Increases accuracy with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases critical attack rate of magic attacks with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases critical attack rate with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases evasion with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases M. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum HP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases maximum MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases M. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases P. Def. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases PVP P. Atk. with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving HP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.
Chance: Increases recovery rate when receiving MP recovery magic with a certain probability after damage is incurred.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily burns up the target's MP during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily frightens the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily holds the target during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily poisons the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a magic attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily puts the target to sleep during a physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a critical attack.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a magic attack.
Chance: Momentarily stuns the target during a physical attack.
Chance: Regenerates CP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Regenerates MP with a certain probability when damage is incurred.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's speed during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases a target's urge to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily decreases the target's speed during a magic attack. Intensity 3.
Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily increases the target's urge to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a critical attack.
Chance: Temporarily provokes a target to attack during a physical attack.
Chance: Throw the target that inflicts damage on you into a state of fear and causes him to flee with a certain probability.


Passive: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills.
Passive: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Increases accuracy.
Passive: Increases critical attack rate.
Passive: Increases evasion.
Passive: Increases lung capacity.
Passive: Increases Lung Capacity.
Passive: Increases M. Atk.
Passive: Increases M. Def.
Passive: Increases P. Atk.
Passive: Increases P. Def.
Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk.
Passive: Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Passive: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks.
Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage.
Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times.
Passive: Raises resistance to damage from falling.

Информация с иного ресурса

Refinement Town: All towns except for noob towns and Gludin

Refinement Materials:
Refine (Weapon, Life Orb, Gems)

• Grade C ~ S Weapon X1
• Special weapons such as hero weapons, blood sword etc can not be refined
• Refinement is not related to soul crystals, any weapons that’s got SA can be refined as well
• After refinement, weapon can not be traded, dropped
• After refinement, weapon can not be stored in guild warehouse, nor can it be sent to your other characters by using the warehouse, this can only be stored in the character’s personal warehouse
• After refinement, the weapon can not be traded with NPC, nor can be traded with blacksmith for a higher grade weapon, nor can be combined into a dual sword
• Refinement can be cancelled, but it requires more $$$

Life Orb:
• Only requires 1
• There are 4 types of life orbs (normal, medium grade, high grade, special grade)
• Life Orbs can be found in 10 different levels (46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 62, 68, 70, 76)
• Life Orb (type) affects the looks of the weapon after refinement
• Life Orb (level) affects weapon abilities and by how much after refinement, this is also limited by the life orb level.
• Life Orbs can now be obtained through mob hunting.

• S Grade Weapon – requires 25 C Grade gemstones
• A Grade Weapon – requires 20 C Grade gemstones
• B Grade Weapon – requires 30 D Grade gemstones
• C Grade Weapon – requires 20 D Grade gemstones

Refinement Results:
• The ability refinement adds to a weapon depends on the Life Orb level and weapon leve
• Refinement results (through scarcity of the life orb) into 4 different colors. (probability depends on the Korean Testing Server + Taiwan Testing Server)

Blue: probability is high, generally increases battle ability, but will not increase basic elements (CON/STR/WIT/INT/MEN/DEX)

Yellow: probably medium, generally has the effects from a blue refinement, and also might increase basic elements.

Purple: probability low, weapons that are refined with this color will have an increase in ability affects. (E.g. CON +1, magic attack: affect of dark magic based affects.)

Red: probably low, weapons that are refined with this color will increase in ability effects, and interface will show purple (not sure if this makes sense to me) e.g. p.def + 12.7, mp regen+0.1, reduce mp usage

From the testing results on Taiwan Testing Server (TTS), it seems like red and purple are very similar, might be because there weren’t that many of them. From the results of KTS, red has less probability than purple, not to mention it’s got better effects than purple. However the “better effects depends on each character.)

• Low level Life Orbs, might also be able to refined to a red/purple affect, however the refinement level is pretty low
• High level Life Orbs, might also be able to refined to a higher bonus effect and higher refinement level, therefore results in better refinement effects… (not that it makes too much sense to me either…)
• Low probability Life Orbs, (high level, special level) and refinement effect level are not absolutely related
• Low Probability Life Orbs, (high level, special level) and refinement amount (e.g. +20.7 vs +5.7 on a certain refinement ability) are not absolutely related

Lightening Effects:
After refinement, weapons would have the following effects

• Normal Grade Life Orb & Medium Grade Life Orb generally would not generate lightening effects, unless it was refined to a red/purple result.
• Normal Grade Life Orb & Medium Grade Life Orb, if these are refined to a red/purple result, it would generate a slight lightening effect.
• High Grade Life Orb, after refinement would generate a medium lightening effect
• Special Grade Life Orb, after refinement would generate a strong lightening effect
• For a weapon that was enchanted to a blue color, after refinement, the original blue color would be lighter than before, it would look like a light blue lightening effect, the original enchant looks would decrease in color by a small amount
• If a weapon was enchanted to a red color, the original red glow would turn into a “yellow” or “golden” lightening effect.


Removing Refinement Information:
• S grade weapon removal: 480k
• A grade weapon removal: 330k (low A grade), 390k (mid A Grade), 420k (top A grade)
• B grade weapon removal: 240k (low B grade), 270k (top B grade)
• C grade weapon removal: 95k (Low C grade), 150k (mid C grade), 210k (top C grade)
• After removal of refinement, the original SA would not be affected.
• Afer removal of refinement, the weapon can be traded, sold, etc, etc

Refinement Limitations:
• The most number of refinement can be added to a weapon is 4
• Refinement ability can be categorized in 7 different types

Attacking Refinement Effects Type:
• General ability would appear in all color results
• Each kind of ability at most would appear 2 times, some that contain big numbers (e.g. +37.7 focus) would not appear 2 times with the same number.
• The following is a list of outcomes that might appear:
o M.def, p.def
o M.atk, p.atk
o Increase in HP, MP, CP
o Regen speed in HP, MP, CP
o Focus
o Landing rate
o Agility

Basic Elements Refinement Type:
• Would only appear in yellow, purple, red color results
• The official site only indicated refinement effects in STR, CON, MEN, INT
• Taking all info from the TTS/KTS, each weapon max +1 to only 1 of the above

Refinement ability with a probability when attacked Type (e.g. when making a p.atk, probability of causing a poison effect on the enemy)
• Only appear in purple and red refinement results
• Weakness: low chance of happening

Refinement ability with a probability when under attacked Type.(e.g. when being attacked, probability of increasing self p.def)
• Only appears in a purple, red refinement result
• Biggest weakness: low chance of happening, even when it happened, low chance of landing
• Weakness: low chance of happening

Counter Attack Refinement Type
• Currently test results from TTS, this only appears with a red refinement result, purple unknown
• Weakness: though this has a higher chance of happening compare to the 2 above, however landing rate is very low

Active Skill Type: (e.g. during a time period, lowers mp usage in p.atk)
• Only appears in purple, red refinement results
• This appears as a new active skill for the character
• Skill casting time, cool down time are all fixed, no skills / dances/ chants/ songs/etc can decrease it.

Прикрепления: 75375918.jpg (33.6 Kb)

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:38 | Сообщение # 8
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
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Тот кто с нами с самого начала За хорошую репутацию За хорошую посещаемость на форуме Ветеранам форума Те кто с нами больше года
Статус: Offline
Devil’s Legacy

Требования: 39 лвл
Награда: Adena, энчанты и др.

Пират Закен - это легенда! А согласно легенде, подчиненные Закена, которые предали его, оставили сокровище на Острове Дьявола (Devil’s Isle). Кладовщик Рандольф, думает что это правда и предлагает Вам отнять сокровище у зомби-пиратов.

1. Возьмите квест у Warehouse Keeper Randolf в Гиране.

2. Он отправит вас на Devil’s Isle. Убивайте там монстров, собирая сундуки, которые из них сыпятся.

3. Если Вы принесете Randolf сундуки с сокровищами пиратов, то Вы получите в награду адены. Но, Кладовщик Колоб (Colob) возможно сможет открыть эти сундуки…

Награда: С-заточки на броню и оружие, и что-то еще в ассортименте.

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:38 | Сообщение # 9
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
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Warehouse Keeper’s Pastime

Требования: 40 лвл
Награда: Ресурсы и целые Ц-грейд вещи

Квест берется у Warehouse Freightman Cliff в Орене.

Надо бить нужных мобов из которых падают Warehouse Keeper Medals, а затем у него или у WH Chief в Hunters Village играть в Бинго на 10 или 100 медалек.

Дается табличка такого вида:


Цифры в ней рандомно перемешиваются. Нужно выбрать 6 цифр, которые должны образовать 3 линии. Получается, что 123695 - выигрышная комбинация.

Игра на 10 медалек

Сделаны 3 линии
- Mithril Alloy (10%)
- Oriharukon (10%)
- Synthetic Coke (15%)
- Varnish of Purity (15%)
- Crafted Leather (15%)
- Enchant Armor Scroll C Grade (30%)
- Enchant Weapon Scroll C Grade (5%)

Не сделано ни одной
- Necklace of Mermaid
- Enchant Armor Scroll C
- Blacksmith Frame
- Mold Hardener

Игра на 100 медалек

Сделаны 3 линии
- Aquastone Ring
- Enchant Weapon Scroll C Grade
- Drake Leather Armor
- Moonstone Earring

Не сделано ни одной (WH Freightman Cliff, Oren Town)
- Enchant Weapon Scroll C Grade
- Great Helmet
- Divine Boots
- Katana

Не сделано ни одной (WH Chief, Hunter Village)
- Enchant Weapon Scroll C Grade
- Great Helmet
- Drake Leather Boots & Divine Gloves
- Samurai Long Sword

KonsulДата: Пятница, 13.07.2007, 14:40 | Сообщение # 10
Silver Angel
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1553
Репутация: 17
Тот кто с нами с самого начала За хорошую репутацию За хорошую посещаемость на форуме Ветеранам форума Те кто с нами больше года
Статус: Offline
Lizardmen’s Conspiracy

NPC:Guard Praga
Rewards:42,000 SP

1. Начни с разговора со Guard Praga возле западных ворот Глудио. Он расскажет о вторжении Lizardmen после войны с Gracia. Напомнит, что Магистру Rohmer изучает обстановку и просит твоей помощи. Принимай квест.
2. Он попросит отнести Рапорт (Patrol's Report) Магистру Rohmer. Он находится в Храме, в северной части города.
3. Магистр Rohmer скажет, что Giant Araneid контролируются при помощи магии, и попросит сделать кое-что.
4. Для того, чтобы разрушить чары Lizardmen, ему потребуются предметы как с Lizardmen, так и со Spiders. 50 Блестящих Сфер (Shiny Colored Orbs) у Maille Lizardman Warrior, Maille Lizardman Shaman, Maille Lizardman Matriarch, а также 50 Красных Сфер (shiny red colored orbs) с Giant Araneid и Poison Araneid, всех их можно найти в Maille Lizardman Barracks.
5. Двигайся на север области Lizardmen и убивай Giant Araneid иPoison Araneid.
А также Maille Lizardman Warrior,Maille Lizardman Shaman и Maille Lizardman Matriarch, пока не соберёшь по 50 сфер каждого цвета.
6. Вернись к Магистру Rohmer с собранными предметами.
7. Он поблагодарит тебя и вознаградит 42,000 SP за усилия

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