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Lineage II LookaLike Contest Winners
EarendorДата: Воскресенье, 05.10.2008, 11:50 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Клан Lasombra (AB)
Сообщений: 906
Репутация: -13
За хорошую посещаемость на форуме Ветеранам форума
Статус: Offline

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Lineage II LookaLike Contest Winners!

Thank you, once again, to all the folks who sent us their submissions. It was so much fun to see the amount of effort that everyone put into this. A huge congratulations goes out to all our winners!!

In the category of Best Resemblance, the winner is Heza from Phoenix!

In the category of Most Creative, the winner is Glarawen from Sayha

In the category of Funniest, the winner is Pinkye from Aria!

EarendorДата: Понедельник, 06.10.2008, 00:20 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Клан Lasombra (AB)
Сообщений: 906
Репутация: -13
За хорошую посещаемость на форуме Ветеранам форума
Статус: Offline

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